Applying For A Study Loan? Ensure The Lender Offers These 6 Features
Applying For A Study Loan? Ensure The Lender Offers These 6 Features
When you are opting for a study loan, the
lender you select has a very important impact. An unreliable and unsupportive
lender can really make your borrowing experience a bad one. On the other hand,
a good lender can go beyond providing just financial assistance and give you
guidance in other matters as well. Are you looking to take a study loan and
want to ensure that you have the best lender? We are here to aid you in this
regard. In this article, we take a look at 6 features that you should ensure
the lender offers before going ahead.
1. 100%
Many lenders may ask you to arrange the
money for a certain portion of the total expenses yourself. This is referred to
as margin money. However, if you are short on funds, then arranging that amount
can be challenging as well. Therefore, it is advised that you opt for a lender
that provides 100% financing with their study loan. 100%
financing ensures that the lender takes care of the total expenses without you
having to shell out anything.
2. Quick loan
sanctioning time
A loan that is processed and sanctioned
quickly helps you avoid losing out on time. When you are applying for
university admissions, time is of immense importance. A slight delay in
submitting a required document can lead to unpleasant consequences for you.
Therefore, a lender that understands these aspects and sanctions your study
loan quickly is to be preferred.
3. Flexible
repayment options
If you choose a loan lender that has
flexible education loan repayment options, then
the process to repay the loan becomes more convenient. It is not that the
amount that you have to pay will become lesser but you will have more ways and
methods to repay that. An inflexible repayment structure may not give you that
much freedom.
4. Simple
eligibility criteria
Checking the eligibility criteria is
important before you select a study loan. It is preferable to choose a lender
that has simple and minimum eligibility criteria as it will make things easy
for you. Most lenders require that you are an Indian citizen of at least 18
years old. They might have basic criteria regarding the income stability of the
co-borrowers and your admission status.
5. Excellent
customer service
As a student and a first-time borrower,
you may have questions that need answers and doubts that need clearance. A
lender that understands this element and helps you with different aspects of
the loan application is important. So, before you finalize a lender for your study loan, do check the
kind of customer services they offer. Some lenders also provide doorstep
services at nominal costs, so you can opt for that as well if you feel the
6. Coverage for
a large number of courses and countries
Leading lenders these days are offering
study loans to students who may be taking unconventional courses or travelling
to countries outside of the usual study abroad sphere. It is beneficial to opt
for such a lender depending on your study plans.
Now that you are aware of the features you should look for in a lender, we hope you have ease in applying for your study loan! Good luck!
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